Killer Fat

Killer Fat

Study Confirms Abdominal Fat is health threatening Even in Normal Weight People

Often, weight loss gets put on the back burner until the holidays are over. And when individuals do commit to a weight loss program in January, they concentrate on subtracting kilograms from their total, overall weight. Although this is a worthwhile goal, the newest research is showing that this approach may be shortsighted. As one of the newest and most alarming studies demonstrated, abdominal fat may be a stronger predictor of premature death than overall weight. This has nothing to do with trans fats that clog up your arteries. So, there is a need to discuss the findings of this new study and explain an effective approach to reduce the visceral fat that accumulates around abdominal organs.

Ticking Time Bomb in Our Abdomens
Many of the past studies investigating the association between weight and risk of death have relied upon the body mass index of the subjects.

The BMI uses a person’s height and weight to calculate a score. Specifically, the BMI equals weight (Kg) divided by height² (metres²). Individuals who have a BMI of between 25 and 29.9 points are considered overweight; anyone with a higher score is considered obese. According to current treatment guidelines, physicians usually only measure patients’ waists if their patients’ BMI indicates they are overweight. In our clinic, we use the VLA machine that not only gives you an accurate BMI also gives you a biological age. The other name for the VLA (vitality longevity Healthy Ageing) is BIA (bioelectric impedance Healthy Ageing).

Our test results also give you the TEN biomarkers of ageing.

tabulated results of successive measurements to show changes (and to prove that what we do works)

In the past, most studies on weight gain and risk of death depended upon the BMI, but few studies examined whether the distribution of body fat contributes to the prediction of death. Now, however, an emerging body of evidence is finding that it’s not how many pounds or kilograms a person gains but rather where the weight settles.

The newest study to reach this conclusion was one of the largest of its kind. Published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the study examined the association of BMI, waist circumference, and waist-to-hip ratio with the risk of death among 359,387 participants from nine countries. The results indicated that participants with large waists had an increased risk of death-even if they were considered to be normal weight based upon their BMI. Normal-weight males whose waists measured about 40 inches or more had double the risk of dying compared to those who had waists 34 inches (86 cm) or less. Females whose BMI was normal but who had waists 35 inches(89 cm) or more had a 79 percent increased chance of dying compared to female subjects whose waists were 28 (71 cm) inches or less.

Another finding of the study was that for every five-centimetre (2 inches) increase in waist size in subjects with any BMI score, death risk rose by 17 percent for males and 13 percent for females. Comparing waist-to-hip ratios resulted in similar findings.
The researchers didn’t study why waist size increases the risk of death, but they theorize that the cause is likely visceral fat. Abdominal fat is usually visceral fat that accumulates around organs and contributes to the development of the metabolic syndrome and heart disease.

Earlier in 2008, another study was published in the journal Circulation that reached a similar conclusion. In this study, scientists studied 44,636 women participating in the Nurses’ Health Study, to determine if there was an association between abdominal adiposity and all-cause and cause-specific mortality. During 16 years of follow-up, 3,507 deaths occurred, including 751 cardiovascular deaths and 1,748 fibrous growths and various types of tumours deaths. The researchers found that among normal-weight women (body mass index 18.5 to greater than 25 kg/m (2), abdominal obesity was significantly associated with elevated cardiovascular disease mortality. Abdominal obesity also was strongly linked to death from fibrous growths and various types of tumours and other causes (2).

Why is Visceral Abdominal Fat a killer?
While ageing, excessive calorie intake and sedentary lifestyle all contribute to weight gain and visceral fat accumulation it would be wrong to think that this terend is inevitable and cannot be reversed for the long term.

Organic pollutants and fat

Not only that but also it was revealed at the recent International Functional Medicine Congress, held at the Sydney Hilton on the long weekend of the 7th of June, that persistent organic pollutants (POPs) may well be an indirect cause of increasing abdominal fat because they may act as endocrine disruptors and also interfere with replica-messaging from DNA, causing other hormonal issues. Safe detoxification may be needed. Consult a practitioner for advice as a precaution. You may contact us at for further information on safe detoxification.

So, lose the Visceral Fat, Gain Longevity
In my clinical practice, I have found that the easiest way to accomplish this goal is by adopting a low-carbohydrate strategy, combined with Calorie Control. KETOSLIM has demonstrated the ability to inhibit the formation of visceral fat as well as body fat as a whole. But taking a food replacement supplement alone is not the long term answer. Ketoslim and Iso Whey are very good meal replacements but they need help to be effective in the long term. That’s where it is important to map out your plan individually with out specially-trained naturopath – who wil not only halp you to a slimmer body but may also improve your vitality by mapping out your individual plan.

The evidence continues to pour in that visceral fat-the dense fat found surrounding intra-abdominal organs-not only is unsightly but also is dangerous to your health. Studies show that this type of fat is linked to metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease and premature death. Therefore, consuming a supplement such as Ketoslim powder or bars is an ideal way to embark upon a New Year’s weight loss program and is an important part of any regimen designed to support healthy aging.

[The core of the above is extracted from a CHMRD missive. It seems to state the case fairly well. I have changed some text and the recommendations to ‘Ketoslim’ and ‘Iso Whey’ or ‘Thermolight’ as I usually use those in my own clinical practice]. Phil Wade

For further info, email me at

1. Pischon T, Boeing H, Hoffmann K, Bergmann M, Schulze MB, Overvad K, van der Schouw YT, Spencer E, Moons KGM, Tjønneland A, Halkjaer J, and Jensen MK, et al. General and Abdominal Adiposity and Risk of Death in Europe. New England Journal of Medicine. November 13, 2008;359(20):2105-2120. Sc.M.
2. Zhang C, Rexrode KM, van Dam RM, Li TY, Hu FB. Circulation. 2008 Apr 1;117(13):1658-67. Abdominal obesity and the risk of all-cause, cardiovascular, and fibrous growths and various types of tumours mortality: sixteen years of follow-up in US women.

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