Lane Cove Wellness Centre
Compounding Chemist
We dispose of your unwanted medicines safely through the RUM programme. In fact before political correctness hit full cycle, we also had an OPAL programme to make same available to poor people, help to save lives and do good in the world. Someone at the W.H.O. thought it would be a good idea to cease this.
How does it work?
We collect your unused medication and place it in sealed, yellow buckets. These are then picked up and delivered to a high-temperature incinerator where they return to the atmosphere in their original components of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulphur and phosphorus, with traces of fluorine.
I don’t need to remind you that unused medicine can possibly make children – and also adults – very ill or in some cases, be fatal.
Benefit to you
This system allows you to keep a clear medicine cupboard and prevents accidental “doubling up” on medication if the doctor should change your prescription. Taking such accidental overdoses of prescription medication can have results that range from disconcerting to disastrous.
What happens to the unused medicine?
Unused medicine that is taken in through the RUM scheme is packed into “hazard-yellow” drums in the pharmacy. Periodically, these are picked up and taken to a special high-temperature incinerator which disposes of them safely.

Our experts can help you identify and manage your health concerns using modern, safe and effective techniques.
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