Lane Cove Wellness Centre
Blood Pressure Monitoring $10
Our pharmacists are trained in giving you an accurate reading from modern, calibrated sphygmomanometers. They will keep a written record on your own confidential file, available for your doctor when next you see him.
As always at Wade’s, we will refer you to our natural therapists to improve your overall health outlook, should you ask.
How does it work?
The pharmacist will simply place a cuff monitor around your arm and record the blood pressure and pulse readings. If they exceed guidelines then we will recommend a couple of repeat readings a few days apart. If they remain too high or too low, then we will recommend the appropriate action.
If your blood pressure remains too high over prolonged periods then you may become ill. If very high, then stroke of heart attack may be on the cards.
If it is too low, then you may feel faint or dizzy, especially if you jump up suddenly.
Benefit to you
Keeping blood pressure stable saves lives. And it will save yours. Simple as that. For the price of a café snack or 2 light beers, what could be better value?
Annually or more frequently, depending on the outcome and action taken.
Natural approach
Should you wish to perhaps look at underlying causes for your blood pressure and address these, then as always, Phil, our Pharmacist/Naturopath is at your service.
How does this work?
- The initial 15 minute consultation will be bulk billed to your private health fund
- Phil will work with you to combine any suggested regime both with your budget and your lifestyle.
If too high, then Phil works in with current meds so that you remain well during this process. If normal, then we can recommend a healthy regime to keep you that way!
See “Private Consultations”.

Our experts can help you identify and manage your health concerns using modern, safe and effective techniques.
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