Swine Flu
The Flu Season is early.
Influenza, as the ‘flu is known, can vary in intensity. The so called Swine Influenza is a new form of flu. The newer the form of the virus, the less recognition your body will have to it. So flu prevention is just as important as flu cures. Here’s what to do.
· Wear a gauze or cotton mask or a scarf when in public because it will stop droplets of saliva or sputum from being inhaled.
· Wash hands with ordinary cleansers before eating or handling food.
· Wear gloves in public.
· Maintain a space of 1 metre between you and suspected sufferers.
· If they should cough or sneeze, step one metre further back and one step to the side. Ask them to cover their mouth with an open hand, turn their head away and direct the airflow away from you.
· Keep the inside of your mouth and nose moistened with water.
· Take 1,000mg of vitamin C plus bioflavonoids several times daily in the form of mineral ascorbate preparations, such as Metagenics’ C Ultrascorb II.
Cure ( if infected).
· Take Relenza* or Tamiflu several times daily until symptoms have been gone for 24 hours. These new drugs will actually stop the virus from invading your body’s cells by inhibiting the enzyme action of the virus. These drugs are called collectively neuraminidase inhibitors.
*Relenza and Tamiflu are obtainable on a doctor’s prescription but you will need to take it as soon as the ‘flu strikes, so our advice is to obtain some now and we can forward a note for your doctor. We are entitled do offer this service only on the outbreak of a pandemic ‘flu, which this is.
· Also Take 5,000 mg of mineral ascorbates with bioflavonoids three times daily.
· Take our herbal flu mixture and Ryevital drops to minimize the impact of the flu and to help recover from it.
To prevent theFlu get strong with Wade’s Multi powder.