Preventive Medicine for chronic illness
While a varying percentage of chronic illnesses have a genetic predisposition, such as Schurman’s disease (74%)(8), Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (high genetic correlation but strongly influenced by environmental factors), motor neurone disease (1)(5-10% genetic)(2), perhaps Guillain Barré (0%)(3), maybe Alzheimer’s (17%)(4), perhaps some MS (5), ankylosing spondylitis (low)(6), some cancers (20%) (“Cancer is a preventable disease that requires lifestyle changes) (7), the majority of most of these and other diseases – even with a genetic predisposition – may be helped, even prevented, by removing environmental toxins and supplanting with abundant cell nutrients. Why? Because your body has a built-in self-healing capacity, called a homœostatic response, that we can and should exploit to the full and also use in recovery.
Let me explain about degenerative or Chronic Diseases. These can be prevented in many cases but can also lead to paradoxical conclusions that are puzzling to many and so make you hesitant about accepting the right advice.
The Australian Health Survey points out that the number one cause of osteoporosis is a calcium deficiency. And yet we are told that too much calcium causes joint calcium build-up. Well, is this right or wrong? Well, unsurprisingly, it is right but in order to address the deficiency, the calcium must be delivered in a balanced way.
So, how do we explain this anomaly?
So, how do we explain this anomaly?
Because it is a given that there is too little calcium in our diet – food AND water supply. The survey says so. And it is right that we, therefore, need to add calcium from sources such as supplements to make up for dietary deficiencies. And it is right that if we supplement with calcium the correct way that you can, therefore, prevent osteoporosis. And it is also right that if you add calcium the wrong way that you can cause joint calcification. So, the answer is easy. Find the right way.
That means that the right way to supplement with calcium is to combine calcium and vitamin D with other minerals – in specific proportions that aid its absorption. But as there is nothing on the market with all the required elements in it, then we needed to develop such a product in our lab. So that’s what we did. It is therefore called Wade’s Mineral Capsules. OK, unoriginal name, but does the job. What are the other elements? I have them listed on the website along with why I added them.
Oh, by the way, it is also wrong to say that old people cannot develop strong bones. If you are alive then your bone-building cells (osteoblasts) are still active so you can still renew bone growth.
Oh, and the other element is protein.
Protein comes in different grades and is also a major dietary deficiency in many cases. On average, a woman needs around 400g of protein daily and a man needs around 550g. They are all the better if the protein is 100% utilisable. Yes, protein comes in different “grades”. Just ask Kirsty or me at any time and we can explain the difference and guide you to – ahem – protein perfection.
Hip and Other Joint Replacements
Can these be avoided? The short answer is “yes! The longer answer is by getting someone early and treating them with the correct supplements and a few microcurrent treatments. That way, if they simply follow an easy regime then up to 80% of all joint replacements may be avoided.
These principles must also apply to Scheurmann’s, disease from the published evidence (8). That means that even a genetic trait like this can be improved and disease prevented(8.1). We have one case study where symptoms regressed from grade 10 pain (including recent fracture of vertebrae) to grade 0 after a single microcurrent treatment. The follow up included dietary changes to low reactive foods, additions of Wade’s Mineral Capsules, Supasmoothi plus, Phil’s Oils and Wade’s Winter Mix, with a modicum of natural pain relief.
As Scheurmann’s is an extreme form of osteoporosis (8.1), the same principle logically can be applied to “ordinary” osteoporosis.
So, up to 80% of osteoporosis may be solved using a sensible supplement method, according to the Australian Health Survey. So, what’s next?
It is probable to prevent possibly 80% or more of goitre (9). Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is classified as an auto-immune disease and preventive methods are not medically known (9). However, the autoimmune disease itself is exacerbated by leaky gut, that itself can be treated (10). So, how to enable a possible remission of Hashimoto’s? Do 2 things: solve your leaky gut/food sensitivity problem especially to grains (10) and make sure that your daily intake of food is accompanied by an abundance of those nutrients that your thyroid gland needs. So, you will need us to prepare for you a good Thyroid Support/leaky gut regime.
Cœliac Disease
In addition to nutrient deficiencies, you may have an atopic gene that makes you prone to a sensitive bowel. So, since we cannot change the gene polymorphism, we look to the literature and are now tasked with 2 major jobs: getting in the right nutrient so that the myriad cell systems work well even with a DNA polymorphism and being “careful” about the right food choices (11). I know – you don’t know what to choose because everybody is different, and it is not a “one fits all” system, but officially doable(12). Well, we have discovered a system that gets you there about 80% of the time. And in all my experience, 80% is good enough to develop a normal bowel. Of course, we know what most of the other 20% is, and we can tell you – but perfection is also a choice – and it’s up to you if you want to go that far. So we suggest an early period of “perfection” and juggle your life with brinkmanship enjoyment after that.
Easy – Mark Houston did a wave of lecture tours in Australia in about 2014, teaching us natural therapists an abundance of techniques to prevent or cut down your hypertension. As a pharmacist, I can now say there is NO excuse to develop hypertension in around 80% of cases. Just do regular checks of your BP at the pharmacy desk and let us guide you from there. The modern prescription pharmaceuticals are very good with fewer side effects than in days of yore, and when combined with preventive measures easily cover 80% of more cases.
Type II Diabetes
Numerous case studies, including over 50 of our own, and full scale clinical trials have demonstrated beyond doubt that this scourge that begins with insulin resistance can be cured. How? By addressing underlying causes.
Weight gain
You see, evidence shows that high insulin levels from insulin resistance will cause you to gain fat from food because it changes your body’s ability to convert glucose to energy, directing it into fat conversion. And this may be reversed over time by careful planning. (
Planning you a healthy and enjoyable lifestyle might achieve for you in the long term what you have always been seeking – vitality and ideal weight.
Athlete loss of energy
In 2015 we learnt how to develop more endurance in athletes. Easy stuff – all proven scientifically but totally contrary to what has been taught by the myriad of “experts” in the past. Shocking I know – but there you are. Sceptical? Just check the fluctuating results of our national swim teams and you have it in a nutshell. Because the regime needs to be done well, it is best to have a brief 15 minute consult with our naturopath/pharmacist and I will set you on the right – er – course. (13)
Teenage diseases.
Which diseases? You name it: chalky bones, scoliosis (Aust Health Survey); mood swings, study fatigue, concentration lapses, (14), arthritis (15), diabetes (16) chronic fatigue(17). All of these have been demonstrated to be caused by either dietary deficiencies or infections that themselves can be minimised by a healthy immune response that relies on – you guessed it – abundant specific nutritional support. (18). And yes – we have a product and regime that may help to incorporate these nutrients.
Ageing diseases
Would you be totally shocked if I were to tell you that most ageing symptoms of unwellness can be attributed to dietary deficiencies? And that I have received unsolicited feedback from the daughter of a 90-plus YO that when she takes our MVM 78:12 capsules she feels better across the board? And that I have a couple of interesting case studies to prove this? That means to you that deficiencies in one or more or most of the 78 minerals and 12 vitamins will cause you to feel unwell. And that by supplementing with these, you will start to feel well, if deficiencies are the cause. So, as long as you remove the irritating cause, many ageing diseases can also be avoided. They range from skin cancers to other cancers, to rheumatoid arthritis to hypertension – in fact, most degenerative diseases.
Childhood diseases
Again, these may be improved by adjusting for dietary deficiencies – emphatically stated by the WHO (19) – and exacerbated by poor absorption of nutrients by food incompatibilities, leaky gut, yeast and other microbial superinfection(21). All of it is preventable according to these references. And what we can do to prevent or reduce symptoms to manageable levels of Asthma, extreme IgE food allergy reactions, eczema, proneness to flu and cold and childhood diseases (20). Proof? In abundance (also see WHO and Aust Health Survey). Methods? Varies with the individual, but a modicum of dietary advice and application of the aforementioned nutritional and environmental medicine again may bring us to the 80-20 rule described above.
Childhood diseases
Existing evidence base: above references, documented case studies of mine and unsolicited reports to us and also those published by others in journals such as the ACNEM medical journal and Complementary Medicine journal, annual International Congress of Nutrition, quarterly seminars in between.
Where do you get it?
Well – that’s what any good pharmacist/natural therapist can do for you, getting to root causes and reducing the tendency to become chronically ill – aided and abetted by his friendly sidekick Medical Nutritionist daughter.
For further information, contact us.
(6) (Author: we have one convincing case study of patient recommended by (8) who was in grade 8-9 pain since 9 YO. After 4 months, reported completely pain free and mobile).
(8) (Author: Other references debate environmental influence. We have one strong case study showing a very positive short term outcome – grade 0 pain after 40 minutes of SFM treatment plus targeted nutrition. The patient was resorbed by the “surgery set” after two treatments and we lost contact).(8.1)