Urinary Indicans reagent test

Many people in society develop chronic illnesses. These usually have causes. One of the chief underlying causes of chronic illness of just about any type is an unhealthy digestive system.

Your stomach/intestine/colon systems may have lost their self-protection ability somewhat. This ability normally comprises:

  • A healthy layer of mucous protection
  • Prolific layers of microbiome
  • Efficient glands producing acids, digestive enzymes and mucin.

Loss of healthy function of these may result in unwanted overgrowth of parasites and harmful microbes, and incomplete food digestion. In an unhealthy gut environment such as this, your normal gut barrier is somewhat broken down, resulting in these undigested particles entering your bloodstream.

They can affect/infect your liver, having been transported there by a special, direct blood supply called the portal system. The new arrivals exhaust your liver’s potential to detoxify these insurgents. They can then re-enter your bloodstream and confront your very delicate kidney filters, called Glomerulae. These may be partially damaged by this insult, allowing various elements into your urine.

So, an important test that we perform for our new clients is Our Urinary Indicans test, that tests for the above problem.

This is a colormetric test that indicates any gut distress, and exhaustion of your liver detoxification chemistry, and what degree of severity these issues are causing.

If  the gut inflammation test is positive, we test this further with Multistix

Multistix will tell us a lot, its clever colour-coded system indicating degree of severity of the following:

  1. If  leucocytes have squeezed through your delicate kidney filters and entered your urine, indicating mild to moderate to severe urinary tract infection.
  2. If liver salts have spilled out into your bloodstream, finally appearing in your urine.
  3. if some protein has entered the urine via the same route, indicating damaged glomerulae.
  4. if you have become too acidic
  5. whether you have traces of blood in your urine
  6. if you are able to digest fully fats and glucose to generate normal energy
  7. how your liver/gallbladder system is performing

With this knowledge