Getting fatter when trying to be thin?

Overweight and Obesity
Why you’re getting fatter when you’re trying to follow “expert” advice.

Being overweight is not your fault. It’s not your body being quirky. It’s more a matter of “experts” giving quirky advice.

Let me explain.

You see… for decades now, dietitians have been advising you to avoid fat and eat “light” carbohydrate foods if you want to lose weight. This has left you with a woeful imbalance of the two building blocks of the body – protein and fat. This has led to your becoming – guess what – FAT. How did this happen? Read on…


The truth is that natural dietary fats are just as needed in your body as protein. There are many forms of fats, which perform specialised tasks, some of which can only be obtained from the diet. Fats trigger brain hormones that signal your cells to burn fat as energy. Without that signalling, your cells conserve fat and burn protein as energy.

Good Fats

Good fats occur naturally. That’s right – just about any fat in your normal dietary range is originally a good fat. The thing is, it’s all to do with shape – of the fat molecule, that is. Naturally-occurring fats have a certain molecular shape. If you enlarged a fat molecule to about 5 metres long, it would resemble a slippery-dip – with several “dips” along its length. This shape is just right for the fat molecule to fulfil one of its major roles – to form part of the cell wall – over 70% of which is composed of fat molecules and the rest is protein.

Once you have all of the right fats in place, nutrient can slide easily into the cell from the bloodstream (via the water “bath” surrounding the cells). Also waste products and specialised proteins etc can slide right out.

But that’s not all. You should maintain a good modicum of fats in your daily diet, along with protein – seemingly the two forgotten food types. We recommend a moderate intake of carbohydrates, consisting mainly of fruit and vegetables.

Bad Fats

When heated, the fat molecules change shape and the slippery-dip jags upwards with sharp bends and will allow much less nutrient to pass in and other products to get out of your cells. So cells receive less nutrient and retain more waste. These fats are “bad” fats – or “trans”, oxidised (changed) fats.

[Fats heated under oxygen (air) are therefore called synthetic fats because an oxygen radicle (part molecule) will attach itself to the trans fat molecule and make it into something different]. These fats are changed in food processing procedures. Not only will these stifle the cell-walls’ ability to exchange nutrients but they will also damage other cells with their highly-reactive free radical attachments. This will cause two problems.

1 It starves your cells of nutrient and makes you crave for even more food.

2 The free radical attachment will react with an adjoining cell wall, causing it to become damaged. Accumulated damage will cause the cell to die. This is a major cause of cancer.

All processed food – whether they are packaged “fast” foods, pizzas, potato crisps or trendy confectionery chocolate bars – contain synthetic (or “trans”) fats. So, eat what’s pre-cooked and presented in cans, cardboard or foil containers at your peril. (As far as chocolate itself is concerned, it is my belief that the purer the chocolate is, the better). Just for the record, most margarines would be prominent in this category.


This is the essential building block of life. DNA is a protein. 50% of bone tissue is protein (called collagen). Your body is held together by collagen and another protein called elastin. Protein makes muscle. You need to eat protein to supply the body with the right sort of amino acids to be able to make its own. Eat too little protein and you’ll waste away. (That means anorexics get thin by losing it in the “wrong places”). Not only that, but also carbohydrate junkies become obese from increases in body fat but still waste away inside from lack of muscle.


Just what is the role of carbohydrate in your body? How does eating too much of it make me fat? Well, carbohydrate appears in the diet in the form of starch, sugars and cellulose. Cellulose makes excellent fibre and is essential to help detoxify your body of waste products by making soft, bulky, satisfying stools. Starch and sugars convert to glucose in the body (to give you fuel) and other sugars (which link to protein) which activate immune cells. Eating too many carbohydrates triggers an over-production of insulin which causes fat to be stored. That makes you fat. (see our “carbohydrate” discussion).


The important aspect of good weight control is balance. To achieve good balance in your body – and therefore in your eating – you have to eat the right system for your body to remain healthy. (see our discussion on “Insulin”).

The bottom (Ha! Ha!) line is that – in order to lose fat you need to reduce the insulin trigger. Then, you will want to stay looking good and feeling strong and energetic. To achieve this, ensure that you have enough balance. If you can succeed in doing that, your body will again be able to transform glucose straight into immediate energy needs and stop laying down so much fat.

Then, using the right system, you can re-shape your body and become healthier. That means you can lose fat, gain muscle and increase your energy levels.

All you have to do is follow our system. If you want to lose weight in all the “right places” learn to lose fat the Wade way.

If you want to lose the fat permanently, use our system

If you want to look better, feel better and look and fell younger, then try our system.

For detailed information, click here

Weight Loss regime

95% of weight loss regimes ultimately fail. That is because you haven’t been told the correct method. The reason for that is that the correct method requires you to go to a little trouble. The other reason is that a lot of people “in the business” haven’t had the proper training. I have been studying this problem for many years and have had reasonable success in achieving permanent weight loss for my clients.

Permanent Weight Loss

We are really talking about fat, not weight. Have you ever heard people say: “I lost weight in all the wrong places”? Well, that’s because they lost too much fluid and muscle along with their fat. In fact, their body probably retained a good deal more fat that muscle.

We are all about RETAINING or even IMPROVING your existing muscle while ridding your body of unwanted fat and toxic water.

Toxic water? What’s that?

Toxic water is the water that accumulates OUTSIDE your cells – and in amongst fat cells sometimes – which may harbour toxins and salts of various types. (These salts may often be caffeine or other salts which are harmful to your body). It’s possible to remove all of these wrong things and retain the right ones. It requires astute advice on our part and total commitment on yours.

To be successful in this requires two things

1) The correct advice

2) Commitment from you to you to follow through with a regime which will only lose safely a maximum of one kilo per week.

Contact us to arrange a weight loss program

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