Author name: Phil Wade

Childhood skin health

Childhood skin health Itchy skin rash Case Study The following study has been subjected to Peer Review and published in a Natural Medicine journal. The following case study applies to a child but the general principles I used can be equally applied to an adult. The difference is a little time and a little patience

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Fear of open spaces

Fear of open spaces Fear of open spaces is a condition of the brain where it has panic attacks of a specific nature. Panic attacks themselves are associated with a build-up of lactic acid and recently, carbon dioxide * whose build-up itself is a response to a condition in your body called lactic acidosis. To

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Food Allergy

Food Allergy Food allergy is a silent scourge. It can strike insidiously. How does it happen? FOOD ADDICTION When you eat an allergenic food, it will inflame your gut and cause it to secrete “alarm” chemicals. Your pituitary gland is alerted by them to release natural opiates or endorphins. This gland is located above the

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Reflux, Reflux and heartburn are unpleasant but may also lead to deeper problems if left unchecked. Infant reflux may occur for different reasons to do with infant anatomy that may heal naturally as the infant grows. You see… an occasional symptom of burning after a meal or when you bend over or exert yourself may

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Prostate difficulties

Prostate difficulties Prostate swelling is not always from prostate fibrous growths and various types of tumours but prostate fibrous growths and various types of tumours always causes swelling. The British Medical Journal (BMJ) yesterday published an article on exercising cautions around prostate testing. It has stated that early diagnosis does not deliver the hoped-for outcome

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Swine Flu

Swine Flu The Flu Season is early. PREVENT FLU AND STAY STRONG WITH WADE’S MULTI VITAMIN POWDER Influenza, as the ‘flu is known, can vary in intensity. The so called Swine Influenza is a new form of flu. The newer the form of the virus, the less recognition your body will have to it. So

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