
Microcurrent therapy for pain relief

Pain Relief News! Microcurrent therapy for pain relief. Frequency specific Microcurrent therapy has arrived. This  therapy that was approved by the TGA may relieve pain during application. Its effect can last for some days after.   Clients often report gradual improvement with each treatment.  The inventor, Albert Abrams, followed by Australian Dr Harry Van Gelder,

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Septic Foci

Septic Foci Prof C.W.Buckley was a teaching medical doctor at The University, Sydney and announced his findings and hypothesis in 1928, and it is represented in modern times by Raymond Khoury, lecturer, Natural Therapist and consultant to leading traditional medicine association ATMS. This, coincidentally, was the year attributed to the invention of the Precision™ Specific

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Turmeric Turmeric – a popular addition to curries and spices – has been found to be protective against  osteosarcoma and colon cancer in peer-reviewed scientific studies, according to Susan Sweeny Johnson, PhD, Biochem., Oct. 11, 2006. Make sure you have your daily curry or – failing that – ask us about a special supplement which

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pregnancy nutrition

Pregnancy nutrition, complete & balanced Congratulations. You are pregnant and hopefully, loving it. Like preconception and breast feeding nutrition, you can improve your chances of having a healthy baby by making sure that your body is “stocked” with abundant nutrient reserves. The World Health Organisation (WHO) stipulates certain minimum daily requirements of micronutrients like calcium

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