
Itchy rash

Itchy rash Itchy skin with rash – a wholistic pharmacist’s perspective. Itchy skin with rash This vexatious condition can respond well to the approach we follow using complementary medicine. The important point to remember is that you need some patience in going through the process necessary to achieve a wellness outcome. That is because we […]

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Ibs Irritable Bowel This is an ill-health condition that causes pain, much distress and a great deal of personal discomfort, often precluding enjoyable activities out od fear of a sudden accident. Underlying causes As a natural therapist, I tend to always think about what causes these things and therefore how to correct and prevent them.

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Sinusitis Sinusitis is serious and yet rarely talked about, possibly because it has embarassing connotations. In our observation it may have several underlying causes, including reflux while sleeping, allergic rhinitis and just plain poor anatomical design of your sinuses. Anatomically there are sinuses (spaces) in most flat bones in your body. Therefore they are going

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Chronic Fatigue

Chronic Fatigue Apologia: I am using the term “he” and “she” alternately in order to promote equality and not to discriminate in any way between the sexes in the types of symptoms that each may have. Chronic Fatigue is not sex-linked in any way. Chronic fatigue is a debilitating condition that usually has a gradual

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ADD and ADHD ADD or Attention Defecit Disorder and ADD with hyperactiviyt (ADHD) are almost completely preventable and largely treatable by using natural therapy. Let me explain. You see… here at the Lane Cove Wellness Center our research over the years has revealed that the human brain has an infinite capacity to regenerate cells. Your

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