

Hypoglycaemia – the Relationship Breakdown king.

Hypoglycaemia means low blood sugar – glucose, to be exact. Here’s the thing – all starches and the different sugars in nature (collectively called carbohydrates) are converted by your liver to one single sugar – glucose. That means to you that an over-abundance of carbohydrates can lead to an exhaustion syndrome where ultimately, the liver and other cellular support systems just cannot carry on and so your bloodstream begins to become starved of glucose. There is an easy solution to that problem and we can show you when you contact us.

If you are interested in how this all works, please read on. If not, just get in touch and we will show you how you may obtain a permanent return to normal health and steady blood glucose levels.

Mood swings and more

Have you ever experienced a sudden dive in mood – a real black feeling that you can’t explain and just can’t shake?

Has it occurred repeatedly and left you wondering if there’s something missing in your life, that your partner is extremely irritating and then you snap?

Has it threatened – or even caused – the breakdown of your relationship?

It could be that you’re life’s experiences have been too much and caused you to lose control.

It could be that your partner really is annoying.

But it could be simply hypoglycaemia.

That’s right – a sudden drop in your blood glucose level. Why do I say this?

Well, firstly, clinical experience over twenty years of treating people for various chronic ailments has shown a persistent trend. The trend for those with relationship difficulties comes in three parts.

Initially they report sweet cravings and unexplained mood swings and we commence our Wellness Outcome plan that investigates the reasons for this problem and enables us to rectify the underlying causes of this dreadful and underestimated complaint.

Next the mood swings even out after about seven or eight weeks into the treatment programme.

Then they report starting a new relationship or a re-birth of the existing one.

I nearly forgot to mention – in many cases, the underlying causes of their chronic illness and those of hypoglycaemia are common to both maladies and they start to get better accross the board!

So, hypoglycaemia is a real relationship killer. Further, it’s not hard to put two and two together and come up with the thought that hypoglycaemia could be the cause of many marriage or relationship breakdowns. And even quant quantify them. Let me explain.

You see… our Wellness Outcomes™ follow the rule of life like any other discipline and that is the 80/20 rule (or Pareto’s principle). And that leads me to the following hypothesis.

Wade’s hypothesis of relationship breakdowns:

80% of breakdowns in relationships are caused by hypoglycaemia.

That means ladies, that – half way through beating your partner over the head with the frying pan – you realise that what was said wasn’t that bad after all.

It means, men, that when you have finished growling at your partner you realise that your reaction was totally over the top and didn’t warrant that response by a long shot.

The same applies with the outburst in the office, workplace or boardroom, at play and with your children.

That is because Hypoglycaemia is actually a sudden drop in the level of glucose in your bloodstream.

Symptoms of hypoglycæmia

We know that sudden drops in blood glucose levels cause:

mood swings
cravings for food – usually sweets
loss of ability to concentrate
clammy skin
feelings of weakness – in extreme cases, fine tremor
full bladders and a desire to urinate
loose bowel motions

Sudden blood glucose loss is caused by the body using all available glucose as energy, and the the regulating machinery in the cells being unable to donate stored glucose back to the bloodstream to replace it , thus causing the strong desire for a sugar “hit”. This in turn will cause a big insulin surge and in turn a rebound “hypo” (“Reactive” hypoglycaemia) about 90 minutes later. So, your mood goes “up” and then “down” – all in the space of a couple of hours.

This inability of the cells to donate back their stored glucose is caused by defective enzyme activity. Now, as all enzymes need a vitamin and mineral pairing to make them work, that means to you that simply supplementing with the required combination will fix the problem, right? Well, wrong, actually. Sure, your enzymes need vitamins and minerals, but something else is usually going wrong inside your body to prevent assimilation of these valuable trace elements from your diet. And that my friends is what we need to sort out in order to solve your problem permanently.

Underlying causes

These may include food allergy, imbalanced food selection, over-refined foods, foods stored too long, pesticide contamination, plastics contamination, herbicide contamination, an acidic diet, a water supply that is lacking in minerals or some or all of the above.

But why mood swings? The answer is that the brain is completely dependent on regular supplies of glucose from your bloodstream. The brain uses up a great deal of energy – constantly. If the blood glucose level falls, then the brain must begin to shut down its activity.

The bottom lihe is that this results in inability to think clearly and a black mood. That’s when you crave a sugar hit. So you go for the sweets, then what happens?

Well, Insulin Resistance develops. You see… the repetitive slaking of the sweet cravings – with more sugar sources – stimulates more insulin production by the pancreas. Repetitive high blood insulin levels in turn cause growing insulin resistance by the cell walls. The cells then become starved of nutrient, as insulin’s job is to pack glucose into the cell body for energy storage.

This state “locks in” and becomes a condition called Insulin Resistance (IR). IR is a prelude to high blood glucose leading to extreme thirst and will eventually become high blood glucose leading to extreme thirst unless you act now and contact us.

So, a vicious cycle commences and gradually grows worse until something snaps – the bond between you and those closest to you.

Teenage suicides

But wait – there’s more – tragically, the tendency to suicide. Here’s how it works. If the sugar is taken in the form of a can or bottle of caffeinated soft drink, you also get a “high” of a different type from caffeine, associated with a corresponding rebound “low”. The resultant “double whammy” causes real issues – especially with teenagers, who are confused enough by the sudden changes in thier bodies.

It is my belief that this condition – predominantly induced by drinks derived from the Coca and Kola plants but also from other drinks containing caffeine – are the principle cause of the desire to suicide amongst teenagers. Especially when repeated episodes of these mood swings lead the local GP to prescribe SSRI anti-depressant drugs. Because they boast – as a chief side-effect – the tendency to suicide. Yes – it’s true. Just look up the reference literature.
Our Naturopath can tell you how to have this sub-clinical – but nonetheless debilitating – illness assessed and treated. We know this condition well, understand the various underlying causes that may lead to this state developing and can lead you back to the pathway of health from this dreadful and destructive malaise.

Please feel free to download our questionnaire or Email us to send you one so that we can assess your nutritional status and start you on the road to normality.

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