Vitamin D – the new immune enhancing discovery.
To update yourself on Auto Immune Disease, check out our article on it.
Vitamin D helps the body to combat auto-immune disease (AID). Auto-immune disease is on the rise in this country. It now affects up to 20% of the population and occurs 300% more in women than men, according to Metagenics Updates™. What is it? AID represents a breakdown of the body’s normal immune balance. Your body’s ability to control infection and inflammation basically goes wildly off course.
Why does this happen? Usually because something fundamental has gone wrong – usually with your digestive organs (stomach, intestines, bowel, liver, pancreas) and also the reproductive system. Even a faulty thyroid gland can affect it. Why women? That is anybody’s guess. The clue lies in the fundamental difference between the sexes – the female reproductive system. As biological systems go, this one has an “open door” policy and also a regular house-cleaning habit.
Between the two, your reproductive system (if you are female) requires enormous energy and nutrient to keep it clean and tidy every month compared to a male’s. This drains resources, depletes the reserves of nutrient required to run your immune system and – as soon as your digestive system becomes distressed – you finish up suffering as a result because you lack the immune energy to correct the problem. From there, it’s a downhill spiral all the way to auto-immune disease. How do we combat it? We at Wade’s Wellness Pharmacy find it a common clutch of complaints and may have developed what we like to think of as a winning formula to help your body to overcome it in many cases.
What’s the formula?
Treat the individual.
That’s it – simple as that – but also as complicated.
How do we go about doing this?
Simple. We glean as much information as we can about you via a series of questionnaires, starting with the HAQ.
You can even fill out this questionnaire on line and let us know. We then down load it and – bingo – we have commenced to assess your case. Contact us or at for the details.
Then, after a thorough investigation (see our article on this) we recommend a regime to make you comfortable from your symptoms.
Then, we look at all of your underlying causes and address them until we work towards a possible Wellness Outcome™.
If you would like to see how our system works, take a look at our Case Studies or our Testimonials.
But – back to Vitamin D. This unheralded vitamin has just come onto the nutritional radar recently because of the extensive use of sunscreens due to fear of skin cancer from climate change.
You see… Vitamin D is made on your skin under the action of sunlight. It has been discovered to be critically important in the way the nucleus of your cells react to protect you from pollution from environmental challenge. (see the W.H.O. website on the relationship between pollution and auto-immune disease). Your cell nucleus, containing DNA, controls your destiny in fighting toxic pollutants and must be protected at all times. It must be able to work hard for you in order to keep you well.
We have pledged to help as many people as possible in the fight against pollution.
For that reason, we have obtained a special supplement which contains not only vitamin D but also a special herbal extract – Perilla frutescens* – which has been found to be immune balancing.
If you would like to know more about this, please contact Kirsty at for details of how to acquire information.
*Obtainable only with naturopath consultation.