

Wholism is a term that people use a little cacalierly at times. It refers to the connection between mind, body and spirit. That means to you that – if some region or system in your body becomes challenged – your brain reacts to it in one way or another. Let me explain.

You see… every organ in your body is connected to the brain – and other parts of your body, like the skin, the face, the tongue, the hands and feet – by interconnecting neuronal (nerve) pathways. What’s my point? Well, look at pain – any pain, anywhere. Take abdominal pain, for example. The pain you experience is a result of inflammation. This, in turn, may be caused by a septic focus. As the impulse from the pain receptor nerve travels to your brain, it will branch out (synapse) and radiate to other parts of your body. For example, it will disturb the pattern of cilia (muscle fibrils) in your iris, giving an iridologist the clue as to where in the abdomen the pain may be located. Meanwhile, a connecting nerve will link directly to the gut, so that – even though the disturbance may be a lesion on a pelvic organ, like your ovary or prostate, it will “disturb” the part of the gut to which it retains an embrtonic neural link. Finally, your brain itself gets the message, loud and clear, that the pain is there. And what’s more, it has been there for years. The brain will try and shoot out commands to minimise damage by contracting certain muscles but in vain. This eventually affects your limbic system in your brain.

Limbic system

Not only does this system house all of your emotional responses but also every nerve message must be carried through this system before it is transferred to other parts of the brain. The return impulse must also travel through the limbic system to reach its target organ. So, you have now linked the physical, mental and emotional aspects of your pain. This clinic’s approach to wholism is all about recognising this aspect of chronic pain and endeavouring to treat and reverse all of these responses in a logical, co-ordinated and structured way.

To achieve this, we employ all the powers contained in nutritional, herbal and homoeopathic medicine as well as frequency specific treatments.

Neck pain

Take neck pain – or even just a crunchy neck – for example. As you are no doubt aware, every nerve from the brain passes down the spinal canal of the neck to every part of the body. So, constriction in the spinal canal of the neck may eventually cause any nerve randomly to trigger pain in any part of your body. This will naturally add another dimension to what we have already discussed. Frequency specific treatments may alleviate this pain dramatically and possibly permanently.

Chronic sinusitis

But what if you also have chronic sinus infection? This can cause its own irritation of the brain, adding yet another dimension to your suffering – also a “favourite” problem to recognise and treat at this clinic.


There is a possibility that you may also be suffering hypoglycaemia – with its concomitant mood swings – just to make things even harder for you. Again, we routinely screen for and treat this at our clinic with a nutritional regime that can return your blood sugar levels to normal in about 7 or 8 weeks.

Leaky gut, gall bladder, liver damage

The same applies to leaky gut, liver or gall bladder damage (say from a bout of glandular fever that you may have expoerienced earlier in your life).

Thyroid, adrenal exhaustion

All of this may lead to an underactive thyroid and adrenal exhaustion. All of the above can cause devastating effects of ill health in their own right and yet a chronically ill person may have some or all of these systems challenged at the one time.

End despair

No wonder families and friends despair of your ability to live a normal life. Yet, believe it or not, all of these problems are reversible and it is possible to restore your body, mind and spirit to a pain-free state of vitality.

To take the first step, contact us.

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