Swine Flu

Swine Flu The Flu Season is early. PREVENT FLU AND STAY STRONG WITH WADE’S MULTI VITAMIN POWDER Influenza, as the ‘flu is known, can vary in intensity. The so called Swine Influenza is a new form of flu. The newer the form of the virus, the less recognition your body will have to it. So

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Concentrated Plant Extracts

Concentrated Plant Extracts Plant extracts, usually of medicinal herbs, are often incorporated into nutritional preparations. We recommend “practitioner only” manufactured nutritional preparations at this clinic, as manufacturers such as Metagenics, Orthoplex, Nutrition Care, Bioceutics and others go to great lengths to establish plant purity and to see that only biologically compatible solvents are used in

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Naturopathy Naturopathy is a broad area that has a distinctively evidence-based natural approach to health and healing. It’s important to understand that naturopathy recognises the integrity of the whole person. Health and health challenges are conditions of the whole organism involving a complex interaction of physical environmental and spiritual, mental, genetic, social , chemical and

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What is CPAP?

What is CPAP? CPAP stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. CPAP is delivered via a CPAP machine, which delivers a flow of air pressure via a mask. This flow of air pressure supports the airway preventing a blockage from occurring so normal breathing can take place a more refreshing night’s sleep.

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Sleep Apnoea CPAP Therapy

Sleep Apnoea CPAP Therapy Sleep Apnoea is a condition that affects a large proportion of the population. Many sufferers do not realise that they are affected by it. In fact, your partner is probably in a better position to notice whether you suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) than you are.   An obvious symptom

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how healthy are you?

how healthy are you? Vitality and Longevity for healthy Ageing (VLA) is an ideal technique that may introduce science into the age-old concept of naturopathy. Vitality and Longevity Healthy Ageing is also called a Bioelectric Impedance Healthy Ageing. This technical name describes how the unit works. It passes a minute current (1 millionth of an amp) between two terminals at wrist and ankle.

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Urinary Indicans reagent test

Many people in society develop chronic illnesses. These usually have causes. One of the chief underlying causes of chronic illness of just about any type is an unhealthy digestive system. Your stomach/intestine/colon systems may have lost their self-protection ability somewhat. This ability normally comprises: A healthy layer of mucous protection Prolific layers of microbiome Efficient

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Medical Cannabis

Medical Cannabis – a breakthrough in severe symptom relief – and reportedly even more. I recently attended a medical cannabis course, given by ACNEM* that was founded by acclaimed international medical nutritionist, Prof Ian Brighthope, founder of the Nutrition Care range of nutraceuticals. *Australian Council of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine. Prof. Brighthope opened the weekend

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