Widespread, prolonged Lockdowns may leave you vulnerable
All evidence for the following statements may be found at this link.
Yes, limited avoidance is important. Certainly “keep your distance”, wear a mask when necessary, definitely stay at home if you are sick, observe normal hygiene that we were all taught as children – i.e. also wash your face and hands and cough/sneeze into your elbow. The problem with total avoidance is that eventually you will inevitably encounter other people who have been infected. And becoming totally dependent on vaccinations and not acquiring our own immunity will mean that in five years time (or less) we will all have to go through the same thing again as we see another new version of Hx (coronavirus) or HxNx (influenza virus) again. And we simply cannot afford to live like this.
Dangers to young, healthy adults may be overstated
At the time of writing, only three people under 40 have died in Australia from Covid 19, and 20 people altogether under under 60 YO. Those figures have been steady for around six months. 38 in total in the 60-70 age group. The averages go higher in the older age groups.
Please understand that we regard any death as tragic. It is becoming clear that if we take the necessary nutritional steps then these deaths may be reduced significantly if those age groups are being isolated, better nourished and “allowed out” in the sunlight and fresh air.
Fresh Air/Sunlight is king
So let’s suggest both – suggest to those more vulnerable people in the older age groups that they exercise more care in personal distancing AND suggest that they take the relevant supplements.
On the other hand, many have died – and many more will die – from suicides induced by extreme Covid19-related isolation and bankruptcies.
Misinformation caused panic
The myth that a scientist, Tasuku Honjo, has stated that the “virus is man-made” has been debunked – by the very scientist who has been spam-quoted. It was all an outrageous lie.
And see Prof Nikolai Pterovski’s statement in this link:
COVID-19 video post misleading and a distortion, says Aussie scientist
And it is worth noting that the healthier that mast cells are then the better a vaccine would work anyway.
And that a “natural” vaccine would reduce fears that synthetic ones would create their own problems.
Unnecessary deaths
Deaths from the consequences of loss of mental health MUST be taken into account.
Some state Premiers look like they are running political image campaigns rather than showing any concern for the long term welfare of their voters and taxpayers.
Health Advice Lacking
Boosting health with known and proven methods MUST be given some air. Literally. Sunlight is a well-known virus-killer, as is low humidity. The combination – as in being on a beach – is effective in preventing the spread of the virus. And it does give a chance of inhaling the attenuated virus, that in being a form of immunisation that provokes mast cell response, can give herd immunity.
Australia has the answer
Tie in that with the knowledge that herd immunity is our only real defence in the short term and far more effective than any vaccine in the long term, and the answer is obvious.
So it is advisable that healthy people under 40 be allowed to catch the virus until sufficient have got it to allow herd immunity.
How do you acquire health with proven results? Link to this.
Here’s my hypothesis in a nutshell:
By Phillip Wade, 23/4/2020© with amendments of 4/1/2021
B.Pharm Syd Uni. Post Grad Diplomas: ND (Adv), Dip Nutr, Dip Bot Med, DRM; MATMS
Healthy people regardless of age will better survive the “attack” of the Novel SARS CoVid-2 viral antigen OR ANY OTHER by maximising activity of their innate immunity AND ALSO acquired immunity by ensuring abundant nutritional reserves in those cells, reducing adverse environmental factors that inhibit the action of immune cells and maintaining a healthy existence.
To answer the question of “Why do some people contract serious illnesses from contact with this virus and not others”?
To show that activity of white blood cells’ can be increased by ensuring that they have the full complement of their required nutrient input.
To demonstrate how specific causes may adversely affect immune cell performance when defending against a novel antigen.
To show that undernutrition and cellular exhaustion from environmental over-challenge are key causes of poor immune response.
To show also how pre-existing, chronic, ill-health conditions can exhaust the normal immune response.
1) To show that the activity of white blood cells may be increased by a factor of around 39 times and harness the “schoolchildren” effect for adults
2) To demonstrate widespread undernutrition in day-to-day dietary intake.
3) To show why chronic health conditions may lead to the potentially fatal Covid-19 condition.
4) To show how to minimise the “cytokine storm” by optimising health in “B” cells in acute patients and how we may prevent it in the general “healthy” community.
People with pre-existing health conditions may show greater propensity to experiencing the “cytokine storm” as well as poor recovery from the Novel Covid infection.
That is because Mast cells e.g. of atopic individuals, like any other cellular system, may be in various stages of exhaustion from the over-challenge of constant inflammation. This may affect their nutrient reserves and consequently lead to ineffective enzyme activity on which their efficient functioning depends, whilst over-engaging the entire reticular system, throwing it into a constantly imbalanced TH2 status.
So, for all Covid 19 sufferers, good nutrition could be the key to healthy survival of the virus infection because leukocytes generally have been shown to have substantially greater activity when they contain abundant nutrients such as vitamin D, zinc, vitamin A and vitamin C with its associated anti0inflammatory bioflavonoids.
While early researchers proved this conclusively, there is also current evidence for this proposition. That is the current observation in all cities in Australia that young school-children with their highly developed thymus glands exert TH1 dominance, their NK cells rapidly kill off the virus before deeper tissue penetration and hence do not “spread the virus”.
That means that highly active and abundant T lymphocytes may be the key to preventing initial massive infection by direct attack on the virus itself. [i]
And in doing so, if sufficiently active, they may therefore prevent future complication by killing significant enough numbers of the virus that the secondary effects of multi-organ failure and death will be avoided in all but people with the severest existing immune challenge – and perhaps a significant number of those even may be saved, given the addition of nutritionally-dense food or supplements, and reducing substantially debilitating environmental challenges.
Not only in treating serious cases but we may also be able to prevent the “secondary infection” stage overall in the general population with a simple recommendation to take supplements daily of the type described above.
In fact, given the abundant evidence for this simple but profound solution, according to Prof Ian Brighthope, it is possibly an act of criminal negligence for the Chief Health Officer NOT to suggest such a simple, harmless and effective preventive measure.
Discussion summary
Different types of immune cells all need nourishment for optimal activity.
Because the healthy functioning of the immune system depends on the activity of two broadly different types of white blood cells:
A) Increasing overall activity of white blood cells by dietary and supplementary intervention
B) Optimising health in antibody-creating “B” cells and plasma cells
Is a clear, present, urgent and immediate requirement of wholesale public health control and should be implemented stat.
A) Increasing overall activity of white blood cells by dietary intervention
Abundant Vitamin C is key to leukocyte activity, as long as other nutritional requirements are met.
One of the fathers of modern clinical nutrition, Prof. Emanuel Cheraskin MD BDS, studied the activity of phagocytosis of leucocytes versus their Vitamin C “levels”.*
*Ringsdorf, W.M., Jr., Cheraskin, E. and Medford, F.H. (1980) Vitamin C and antibiotics. Journal of Oral Medicine 35: #1, 14-17, January-March. (No known electronic link).
In his words, delivered in person at a Blackmore’s conference at the Hotel Manly circa 1978, “a sick white blood cell could kill 1/3 of a germ and a healthy white blood cell could kill 13 germs just by taking vitamin C”.
More widespread dietary undernutrition
So four questions arise today from some of the many of his published findings of yesteryear and in more recent times.*
i) Is vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in fact a vitamin in the real sense of the word?
ii) If not, do we have the same access to dietary ascorbic acid in particular, as in the evolutionary “moment” when Man lost the gene?[ii]
iii) Has there been a general decline in soil and food mineral content in the last 100 years and indeed accelerating since the time of the research of Cheraskin et al in the 40s to the 70s?
iv) Has that decline reduced the effectiveness of the white blood cells of our generation (i) to generate antibodies and (ii) to do so effectively without producing a “cytokine storm”?
v) If so, what can we do about prevention using both curative and preventive measures?
Vitamins act in concert with minerals.
i) Given that mankind used to have the GULO enzyme that operated the final step that converts glucose to ascorbic acid, and most other mammals have this enzyme, can we consider vitamin C to be a vitamin in the real sense of the word?
ii) It has been estimated by some that the abundant plant life of that era delivered about 5,000 mg/day of dietary vitamin C.
iii) The contemporary, insidious, global crisis of potential dietary nutritional deficiency is dire in respect of the immune system in particular and overall cellular health in general[iii]. And researchers have now established that in the last 100 years, soil has lost globally 90% of its mineral content[iv][v].[vi] And indeed mineral[vii] and vitamin[viii] content[ix] of food is on a similar decline.
iv) Clearly it is possible to provide supplements of “missing” vitamins and minerals on a widespread scale cheaply and harmlessly and prevent any immune deficient immune setbacks.
B) Optimising health in antibody-creating “B” cells and plasma cells
iii) Why chronic health conditions may lead to the potentially fatal Covid-19 condition
Constant challenge to the Mast Cell system may lead to exhaustion of other vital nutrients that control specific pathways within the cell that may lead to a cytokine storm from an exhaustion of acetyl hydrolase and a consequent inability to control PAF, the major cytokine involved in multi-organ failure.
So, to this finding of ascorbate requirement, we also need to add back minerals and companion vitamins due to recent realisations of greater soil mineral and dietary food vitamin/mineral decline.
iv) So, minimise the “cytokine storm” by optimising health in “B” cells
o Release of the cytokine called platelet aggregating factor (PAF) is moderated by the enzyme acetyl hydrolase. PAF is the cytokine that is responsible for the “cytokine storm”. Therefore we need to maximise levels of acetyl hydrolase in B cells. As this is formed through the pyruvate pathway, we should ensure adequate levels of all B vitamins, magnesium and biotin.
o The inflammatory pathways themselves are moderated by zinc, selenium, omega-3 fats and C14 amides such as PEA and SPMs.
o This will mean cessation of the threat of multi-organ failure, as mast cells that are causing the cytokine storm are located along all epithelial tissue including airways, blood vessels including capillaries and veins, and glandular endocrine and exocrine ducts.
o Blood vessel integrity is moderated by not only ascorbate but also the bioflavonoids with which it is commonly associated in foods.
o Vitamin D has also been associated with diminished chances of suffering the cytokine storm.
o Chromium and sodium are also required for ascorbate transport across cellular membrane.
· Many other trace elements and minerals and vitamins are also associated with normal cellular activity and so dietary abundance of all known nutritious elements should be ensured in society as a whole.
· And inflamed gut membrane associated with imbalance of microbiome and parasites is a known inflammatory inciter creating an imbalance to a TH2 (inflammatory) condition and should be treated seriously and kept to a minimum.
All of the above may also lead to other triggers for the cytokine storm and potential organ failure, such as peanut allergy.
Known factors that predispose an individual to having a healthy immune response should be considered as a preventive measure against Covid 19 and its mutants so as to minimise illness and deaths from the cytokine Storm with which it is famously associated.
This may ensure that many people who might be normally affected adversely may then survive an infection and be returned to health.
[i] https://www.researchgate.net/post/Why_in_Covid-19_infection_The_lymphocyte_decrease_in_contrast_with_other_viral_infection
[ii] https://academic.oup.com/emph/article/2019/1/221/5556105
[iii] https://chem.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Introductory_Chemistry/Book%3A_The_Basics_of_GOB_Chemistry_%28Ball_et_al.%29/18%3A_Amino_Acids_Proteins_and_Enzymes/18.09%3A_Enzyme_Cofactors_and_Vitamins
[v] http://thehealthmoderator.com/u-s-agricultural-soil-depleted-85-percent-minerals-100-years/
[vi] https://soils.wisc.edu/facstaff/barak/poster_gallery/minneapolis2000a/
[vii] https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2006/feb/02/foodanddrink
[viii] https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/2201C72ACD7AA8C9C34C6BB07D5F8426/S1368980016001853a.pdf/declines_in_traditional_marine_food_intake_and_vitamin_d_levels_from_the_1960s_to_present_in_young_alaska_native_women.pdf
[ix] https://www.politico.com/agenda/story/2017/09/13/food-nutrients-carbon-dioxide-000511/