FSM pain relief

Drug Free Pain Relief.


“Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), an endogenous fatty acid amide, has been demonstrated to bind to a receptor in the cell nucleus”…. “that is related to chronic and neuropathic pain and inflammation, as has been demonstrated in clinical trials. These include peripheral neuropathies such as diabetic neuropathy, chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatic pain, osteoarthritis, low-back pain, failed back surgery syndrome, dental pains, neuropathic pain in stroke and multiple sclerosis, chronic pelvic pain, postherpetic neuralgia, and vaginal pains”.

The above is quoted directly from the source cited below, by the authors mentioned. This pain killing property was determined in a large-scale (over 600 people) trial, and is one of several studies.

PEA is safe and is extracted from palm oil and other plants. Its ability to kill pain in severe conditions has brought it to the attention of health care practitioners worldwide and has been used since the 60s.

Jan M Keppel Hesselink and Thecla AM Hekker

. 2012; 5: 437–442.
Published online 2012 Oct 26. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S32143
SPMs are other omega-3 fat-derived compounds that have also been shown to have similar effects to PEA. They are similarly harmless, have no observed side effects, are similarly non-addictive and do not damage gut lining when taken long-term.
Both categories are certainly capable of reducing your dependence on other pain killers in that you may at least need only a smaller dosage of the stronger analgesics to control your pain.
Frequency Specific Microcurrent

Pain relief, in the form of Precision™ Frequency specific deep tissue pain relief therapy, arrived at our practice circa 2003 and was duly approved by the TGA. This then TGA-approved therapy was registered to relieve pain during application and relieve pain from many conditions involving inflammation, scarring, circulation (veins and arteries), infection and many other complaints. Its effect can last for some days after. This means that it may accelerate our other treatments that are aimed at producing a Wellness Outcome™. See case studies.

Not only that but also clients often report gradual improvement in their condition with each treatment. The  inventor, Albert  Abrams, first announced the method in 1914. He bequeathed his practice to Dr Harry Van Gelder and then George Douglas followed. Chiropractic Dr, Carolyn McMakin of the U.S. then brought it back to Australia, having catalogued the specific frequencies for individual condition and tissues that were accumulated over the decades of research by her abovementioned fore-runners. Carolyn has since published research results with other practitioners, including physicians and neuro-physicians. See:  https://frequencyspecific.com/papers/

In this time it has been found to relieve the pain of many conditions, including stubborn inflammation, swelling and subsequent infections of the joints including shoulder, intervertebral joints and other internal tissues and skin afflictions. It may therefore be extremely helpful in treating Chronic myofascial pain and Chronic Fatigue. The effect may last long after the treatment has been completed. Frequently, a condition may improve so no further treatments are required. Lately, they have elucidated valuable frequencies relating to brain function and performance.

Because of the way it works, I understand that this may therefore remove the causative pathology while treating the affected tissue. This dual combination of specific frequencies has been shown to also help increase cellular energy production (ATP) by 500%, protein production by 900% and endorphin production by 5,000%., enabling cell wall repair so producing healthier cells. It has also been shown to reduce inflammatory cytokines by 90%. So, It is specifically adaptable to the pain of both chronic and recent trauma, degrading tissue and scarring.

Not only that but many practitioners – including us – use it to help firm up skin. It may act by increasing the health and vitality of basal cell layers and allow them to grow through in about six weeks as fresh looking skin, giving a youthful look with fewer annoying wrinkles.

We are offering this breakthrough treatment to people in pain or who might be considering surgical face lifts and who are willing to try something a little different.

You won’t be guinea pigs – the therapy has been enjoyed by many thousands of people in the USA, according to Dr Carolyn McMakin (see her website) and may help to relieve pain in a variety of conditions. It often shows superior results to standard massage treatments and can support current prescribed therapy.

*** THIS IS NOT – TENS – THERAPY (which merely swamps nerve endings and anaesthetizes them and effects muscular contraction). Precision™ Frequency specific deep tissue pain relief therapy acts INSIDE individual cells, increasing their energy output by 5 times, therefore encouraging repair of the cell walls – as well as normalizing cellular function disturbed by inflammatory processes. *****

How do you get it? Simply book in for assessment and treatment at..

152 Burns Bay Road, Lane Cove, 2066.
Phone (02)94204959

ABN: 65 092 958 104 Phil Wade: B.Pharm, ND(Adv), D Bot Med, D Nut , DRM, ATMS.


EXACTLY WHAT IS Precision™ Frequency specific deep tissue pain relief therapy?

Precision™ Frequency specific deep tissue pain relief therapy is an electrical treatment modality providing current in millionths of an ampere and vibrating at specific frequencies that give it the ability to relieve pain and to increase the rate of ATP production, protein synthesis and amino acid transport. This in turn may cause an increase in the rate normal cellular activity which includes wound healing, the regeneration of injured tissue, lymphatic flow and relieving myofascial pain trigger points, to name a few.

An ampere is the measure of electron movement or current flow past a fixed point over time.Precision™ Frequency specific deep tissue pain relief therapy is current delivered at a rate of 1 microampere which equals one 1,000 of a milliamp, or one 1,000th of 1,000th of an amp. The current flows at a physiological rate and is delivered on the same scale as the current your body produces in each cell and at the bio-identical voltage potential. By contrast, traditional electrotherapy units, such as TENS operates at 1,000th of an amp – 1,000 times more current – and can cause muscle contractions. Precision™ Frequency specific deep tissue pain relief therapy cannot cause contractions as it works within cells, according to McMakin et al. It is sub sensory and cannot be felt while the current is being delivered, because there is not enough current to stimulate the nerves’ sensory receptors.

Is it safe?

Yes. Starting at one millionth of an amp. With a maximum possible of 600 millionths of an amp and at minus 75 millivolts, it is said to operate at approximately the same voltage as your nervous system. Most people do not feel the sensation but some do experience pleasant warmth in the inflamed tissue being treated.

What does it do?

McMakin and Reilly’s and other’s research shows that Precision™ Frequency specific deep tissue pain relief therapy increases energy – cellular ATP production by 500%, as well as protein production by 70%. And that it reduces the production of your body’s pain-sensory chemicals (known as inflammatory interleukin cytokines) by 90% after each application. Not only that but also the same research shows that it increases your natural production of endorphins by about 5,000%. These levels slowly regress to their original points in ten days. Precision™ Frequency specific deep tissue pain relief therapy also increases amino acid transport according to Ngok Cheng 1982.

Precision™ Frequency specific deep tissue pain relief therapy applied to traumatised tissue supports the natural current flow in the tissue, allowing cells in the traumatised tissue to regain their capacities. Trauma affects the electrical potential of the damaged cells. The injured area has a higher electrical resistance than the surrounding tissue, leading to impairment of the healing process and inflammation (as described in the above study and others).

That’s why Precision™ Frequency specific deep tissue pain relief therapy was originally approved by the TGA in Australia for use in pain relief. That approval has since been removed, as the manufacturer requested its withdrawal when production ceased. But existing practitioners may still use it, but not advertise. Articles must be accompanied by evidence.

* McMakin,C; Reilly, W; Reeve,V; 2005-9

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