
My brain is slow – iodine deficiency?

My brain is slow – iodine deficiency? Iodine deficiency threatens healthy brain development for future Australians and New Zealanders. Iodine is an essential mineral needed for foetal brain growth and development. Unfortunately, the iodine status of Australians and New Zealanders has declined significantly in the last 50 years to levels indicative of mild to moderate

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Geriatric care

Geriatric care and self-help: Caring for yourself in the youth of old age means more than just cleaning the teeth and dentures, going for a walk and eating a cooked meal once a day. It means ensuring that your body has an adequate intake of vitamins and minerals  and in the correct balance All the

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Leaky Gut

Leaky Gut By Phil Wade © LEAKY GUT AND HOW TO REGAIN VITALITY Feeling bloated, with an occasional swelling in the abdomen, and not digesting all that well? Well, you might be developing leaky gut. Let me explain the connection. You see… with leaky gut comes inefficient and inflamed gut mucous membrane. That means the symptoms

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I need pain management

Pain Management – synergism through combinations is the key Frequency Specific bioresonance application  Combining frequency specific deep tissue treatments – on its own or combined with specific herbs or others – has produced significant pain reduction and these results can be duplicated repeatedly. These contain prescription medication that may be applied directly to the source

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Microcurrent pain relief

Pain relief with micro current. Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) was approved by the TGA around 2002-3. Since withdrawn due to manufacturer ceasing the model in favour of a newer model, existing, approved practitioners are allowed to continue applying the treatment. What is it? It consists of a device that delivers selected variable current in precisely-targeted

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Preventive health

Preventive health Yes, I am a pharmacist but I also acknowledge that you can generate healthier outcomes by improving cellular health as well as improving your quality of life. Why purchase Natural Medicines and obtain nutritional protocols from your pharmacist/naturopath? For the same reason that you choose wisely when obtaining medicines and information from our

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Thin within

Thin within WEIGHT LOSS OR FAT LOSS? Congratulations on enquiring about the Thin Within programme. This guaranteed natural fat loss programme balances your body’s energy consumption to increase your metabolism so that you burn fat rather than store it. I am assuming that you have found this page because you have probably tried to lose

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