
Re-build Ageing Bones By Phil Wade

Is it “ageing” or is it osteoporosis and just happening to practically everyone? Osteoporosis – what exactly is it? And why do the joints calcify (develop “rheumatism) as this happens. And can we prevent this from happening?  By Phil Wade The definition that is closest to the actual description and development of osteoporosis is as […]

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Stop calcium plaque forming in arteries and heart, aching joints, thinning bones, and the Calcium Paradox

Calcium Paradox By Phil Wade  Amended 27/02/23 Calcium builds up on the inside of artery walls forming plaque (along with cholesterol). How this happens is part of what I call the calcium paradox. So how does this calcium formation come about?  Let me explain dow it all works as I see it. Ro understand we

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P.E.A. and melatonin

PEA is our natural choice for chronic pain treatment. PEA is one of around 900 “cohort drugs” in cannabis. Below is an abridged extract from the following website: by Pieter C Phil’ opinion: I may be drawing a long bow, but as marijuana is noted for its ability to increase melatonin levels in extra

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My Story

Why Combine Pharmacy with Natural Therapy? To understand that, let me start with my story. In my mid-thirties, my health was going downhill. Fast. I was feeling pain in the abdomen, low on energy, four young children, owned a large seaside pharmacy, working 7 days and some nights, big mortgage, training for half marathons, taking

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Natural and non-sedating pain treatments

Resolving persistent pain naturally.  Sixty percent of Australians are suffering some kind of pain, often associated with some chronic ill-health problem. Starting with: “growing pains” of youth (that are pains in the actual growth plates) scoliosis – that is a form of osteoporosis, fibromyalgia (fibrositis), upper and lower back pain, spinal injury (“floating” or “whiplash”)

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Chronic fatigue with and without high grade pain

Chronic fatigue Syndrome (CFS) Chronic fatigue is a debilitating condition which usually has a gradual onset but also can occur suddenly – especially in those experiencing puberty onset. Its origin is subject to much speculation but our findings are that it can originate from many different causes. In fact, one in ten people contracting the

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Puberty Onset and juvenile illness

Puberty Onset and juvenile illness Apologia: I use the terms “he” and “she” alternately where indicated to remove discrimination, and the use of either term against a particular issue does not signify a greater tendency for either sex to contract a particular illness. My decades of experience with acne and fatigue has led me to

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I need pain management

Pain Management – synergism through combinations is the key Frequency Specific bioresonance application  Combining frequency specific deep tissue treatments – on its own or combined with specific herbs or others – has produced significant pain reduction and these results can be duplicated repeatedly. These contain prescription medication that may be applied directly to the source

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