Research findings

Trees and plants regenerate energy

Losing massive areas of trees and arable land robs us of much needed energy. It is quite a paradox that we are deforesting our land mass to “plant” wind turbines and also covering arable land to increase coverage of solar panels as these provide the energy to sustain a stable population – although it would

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Chronic Illness by Phillip Wade B. Pharm. Post Grd Diplomas: ND (Adv), DBM (Botanical), D ClinicalNutr, DRM. MATMS. ©

What are chronic illnesses and is it possible to recover from them? © So what exactly is a chronic illness? Is it just chronic fatigue, is it being in permanent pain? Is it some vaguely-defined feeling of fatigue, unwellness, perhaps with painful joints or abdominal discomfort, regular headaches, inability to fall pregnant, loss of taste

Chronic Illness by Phillip Wade B. Pharm. Post Grd Diplomas: ND (Adv), DBM (Botanical), D ClinicalNutr, DRM. MATMS. © Read More »

Re-build Ageing Bones By Phil Wade

Is it “ageing” or is it osteoporosis and just happening to practically everyone? Osteoporosis – what exactly is it? And why do the joints calcify (develop “rheumatism) as this happens. And can we prevent this from happening?  By Phil Wade The definition that is closest to the actual description and development of osteoporosis is as

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Gut, Liver and Kidney Detoxification

Detoxification – what is it and is it effective? By Phillip Wade, B.Pharm, ND (adv), Dip Bot Med, Dip Clin Nutr, DRMA, matms. (Author’s note:  All claims made hereunder are backed by evidence in either the literature or clinical practice). Our Offer: As Naturopath, I treat every individual wholistically: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We

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What is Herd Immunity

Herd immunity By Phillip Wade B.Pharm ND DBotMed DNutr DRM MATMS Herd immunity is a phrase that has been largely misunderstood by many people – not only whether by the public, but also by many bureaucratic-medical, political, or the major or media types. Pen-pushing perpetrators panic politicians into punishing public (News editors are nonetheless unabashed

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Bioflavonoids and Vitamin C

Declaration of interest: We prepare freshly in our lab a preparation in powder form that contains an effervescent ascorbic acid/bioflavonoid combination and other activating ingredients. The study cited in this journal of pharmacology shows that citrus bioflavonoids have a beneficial effect on circulation by strengthening blood vessel walls “microaneurysms and vascular leakage takes place leading to

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Natural and non-sedating pain treatments

Resolving persistent pain naturally.  Sixty percent of Australians are suffering some kind of pain, often associated with some chronic ill-health problem. Starting with: “growing pains” of youth (that are pains in the actual growth plates) scoliosis – that is a form of osteoporosis, fibromyalgia (fibrositis), upper and lower back pain, spinal injury (“floating” or “whiplash”)

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Children’s Health – The Growing Child

Children’s immune Systems By Phillip Wade When we consider what differentiates a child from an adult, several factors come to mind including: immune resilience to combat high exposure to germs to which their immune system has not been previously exposed high nutrient requirements to support rapid growth constant movement requiring suppleness combined with strength and

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