Joint Calcification

Joint Calcification – what is it and how did it get there?   By Phil Wade And why do the joints calcify (develop “rheumatism”) as this happens. And can we prevent this from happening? Following on from my previous article on Osteoporosis……that asked the question: Is it “ageing” or is it osteoporosis and just happening to

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Cold and flu

Protecting yourself against the ravages of cold and flu has become a major topic. Especially since Centre for Disease Control (CDC) reports globally that only 36% of people receiving the H3N2 (Type A) vaccine are protected from that virus. Yet up to 67% of Type A vaccines are effective some years (presumably if it takes

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Do all vaccinations “take”? The uptake of immunity to a vaccination depends on the potency and quality of specialised immune “B” cells.  Wade’s Winter Mix is designed to assist in your ability to recover from the flu if not vaccinated, and if you need a vaccine, also a better chance of the vaccine to “take”

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Irritable Bowel Discomfort

Words by Phil Wade  Lane Cove Wellness Centre   I  61 2 9420 4959 via Is natural help available to help irritable bowel discomfort? First, the bad news. Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD) is cited by medical texts as having no known cause. With many ‘associations’ of foods and events linked to IBD, we are able

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Preventive Medicine

Preventive Medicine for chronic illness While a varying percentage of chronic illnesses have a genetic predisposition, such as Schurman’s disease (74%)(8), Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis  (high genetic correlation but strongly influenced by environmental factors), motor neurone disease (1)(5-10% genetic)(2), perhaps Guillain Barré  (0%)(3), maybe Alzheimer’s   (17%)(4), perhaps some MS (5), ankylosing spondylitis (low)(6), some cancers (20%)  (“Cancer

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