Pain Management – synergism through combinations is the key
Frequency Specific bioresonance application
- Combining frequency specific deep tissue treatments – on its own or combined with specific herbs or others – has produced significant pain reduction and these results can be duplicated repeatedly. These contain prescription medication that may be applied directly to the source of pain, if indicated in your condition.
2) A major breakthrough in management of chronic pain in our natural therapy clinic is the discovery that the combining of seemingly ineffectual herbs in combination such as olive, rosemary and hops, Jamaican dogwood, pukutea, PEA, SPMs, prickly ash, curcumin, boswellia and others products may enhance pharmaceutical agents such as NSAIDS, aspirin, opiates etc., and are valuable in reducing the dosage and therefore side effects of the drugs where applicable.
3) The finding that by using potent pharmaceutical drugs in combination, worked into highly-absorbent ointment bases and applied straight to the originating structure such as a specific spinal joint, is another highly significant advance in the treatment of excruciating pain.
Surprisinglly, this technique means that you may experience much lower blood levels and therefore fewer side-effects of the medication.
The results of the breakthrough, information-packed congress on integrated natural management of chronic pain at the Gold Coast have stood the test of time. At this conference were presented the very latest findings of ongoing research out of the labs of Metagenics USA and also an independent research facility in Antwerp.
More recently, I also learnt that it is possible to treat excruciating pain successfully using special ointment bases that I can prepare in the lab that can deliver the most potent pain killers right at the site of pain without the side effects that you would normally experience if you were to take the pain killers orally. We have PCCA to thank for that information, gleaned in a special training session.
Frequency Specific
When I add these techniques to Frequency Specific treatments, I find that not only may I reduce the pain but also I can often correct the underlying cause of the pain – be it a swollen spinal disc or a fibrosed facet joint, rheumatic joints, a torn muscle or a deep-seated infection of some virus (like EBV), bacteria such as Strep or Staph or a deep-seated candida infection. (Evidence available on request),
Chronic pain – Natural Treatment
I have to tell you that the natural relief of chronic pain is very exciting because it is real. It is exciting because now you can take herbal combinations that have a similar effect to potent pharmaceuticals, such as ibuprofen, but without the side effects. Much of the research has been conducted on real people, because these otherwise harmless natural therapies and techniques can be practised on individuals safely. So please take the time to read the report because it not only describes the nature of pain and inflammation but also tells you how to experience massive relief without fear of side effects or adverse reactions that are experienced by taking oral doses of almost all current medication. Not only that but also it will potentiate the effects of medication if necessary, meaning that you can take smaller doses of pharmaceuticals but obtain the same effect.
Topically applied, ultra-potent compounded pain killers. Very low, if any, side effects.
In our lab, we have devised ways to deliver ultra potent pain killers right to the site of pain without experiencing side effects normally attributed to these medications when taken orally or by injection. That’s right – now you can use safely, extremely potent anaesthetic drugs both singly and in combination, in collaboration with your doctor. We can achieve that because we use special absorbent bases that deliver the drugs right to the site of pain in concentrations of up to 50 times greater that by taking the drug orally but practically no systemic effects. How does this happen? Because you get very little blood level of the drug this way as the final dose used per treatment is actually quite small compared to an oral dose. Sweet!
Frequency specific deep tissue treatments.
FSM is also an effective, side-effect-free treatment that can be added to either of the above options.
Has someone told you that your pain is psychological? It is wrong to make that assumption when your pain is “getting you down” – making you emotionally depressed. The fact is that long-term (chronic) pain can lead to brain exhaustion – aka depression – it is not the other way around! But there is a new technique that can prevent this from happening. The next step of “psychoanalysis” is to suggest that you are imagining your pain for your own reasons (attention-seeking or avoiding work, school etc).
I have a client who was in the highest level of pain imaginable who was told by the psychiatrist at a hospital’s pain management clinic that she was even beginning to imagine pain that was not there. The silly thing was that In her case, the pain was real and easily demonstrable by the simplest X-ray – that was eventually read by a sports medicine doctor!
Certainly, the psychiatrist’s “opinion” caused massive turmoil in the family and with the poor schoolgirl but luckily, we were able to put that right.
But it did take two years of this sort of hell before they found our clinic.
But that’s not the sort of depression that we are referring to here. The chronic pain is causing your supplies of pain-desensitising, happy hormone (serotonin) to become exhausted by constant demand. That factor can certainly make your nerves work less efficiently, giving you a condition called “central nervous depression”.
And that can be remedied. And naturally. It turned out that my schoolgirl patient was in the most severe pain from joint sepsis (infection) that followed an undiagnosed fracture and led to other complications.
Let me explain.You see… pain triggers off many different sorts of neurones in your brain and spinal chord – not to mention skin, muscles, organs and glands. These nerves are designed to alert you to the fact that you are in danger so that you can do do something about it – take your hand out of the fire, for instance.
Following the burn, your brain can then make other chemicals to help dull the pain (called endorphins and encephalins – the body’s opiates as well as GABA and many others).That’s fine for a sudden pain from a damaged part that might eventually heal. But what of a chronic pain that simply will not retreat? Then it is possible to exhaust the production line of the pain-relieving chemicals – serotonin, dopamine and nor-adrenaline chief amongst them – by constant demand. That’s right – your nerves simply run out of “juice”. The reason? Nerves make their own nerve chemicals (neurotransmitters) and the supply of nutrients needed to make these can become exhausted. That is because you are using them up and are not able to take in enough through replacement nutrients from your normal food supply to replace them. That’s why targeted nutritional supplementation and the correct food choices are so important. (See references below).So – the way to help treat this sort of pain becomes clear. We need to do all that we can to help to support the production of those pain-desensitising chemicals, trigger off the nerves that produce them and reduce the lesion that is causing the pain. But wait – there is one more thing that we can do for your pain that I nearly forgot to mention. With a constant influx of pain signals, your brain actually becomes sensitised to feeling pain. This has been shown in many studies, summarised by Dr Jeff Bland and Mike Curley at the latest International Congress on Nutritional (Functional) Medicine, held at the Gold coast on June the 6th to 9th, 2009. This pain is created by chemical messengers called cytokines that originate in troubled tissue and that trigger off activity in your brain. That’s why we can help you at our natural therapy clinic and counseling and body-work rooms attached to our pharmacy with several different types of brain-distraction techniques that have as great or greater effectiveness that some prescribed pharmaceuticals. The bottom line is that herbal and nutritional medicines – along with amazing body-work and self-help techniques – have given us wonderful natural tools to reduce cytokine production in your body. And they are readily available to you from our local, friendly Wellness Centre. These may also include various combinations of carefully worked-out, tasty low-reactive food plans.Instant relief. Our compounding lab can also present a skin application (transdermal preparation) of the most potent drugs imaginable for immediate relief of insufferable pain in such a way that the drugs are delivered straight to the nerve plexus involved and are not absorbed into your circulation in noticeable amounts and give very few side effects. That is because the drug is delivered to where it is needed at up to 50 times the concentration it would achieve at that point as if they were taken orally and yet so little of makes its way into the general circulation that it is impossible to suffer any ill effects of the drugs. Ongoing herbal and nutritional, and bodywork reliefThe most unlikely herbal combinations have been discovered to be as effective as pharmaceutical NSAIDS in brilliantly constructed studies in Dr Bland’s extensive laboratory facilities. Our clinic also uses various combinations of nutritionals to support the production of the neuro-transmitters under consideration. These are enhanced even more if they are tailored for individual requirements.Treat the Individual – not the dis-ease.We also have a policy at our clinic of correcting any underlying causes that may be contributing to your pain or other ill health factors. E.g. many illnesses are associated with inflammation and/or pain – everything from asthma, through the “alphabet” of chronic dis-eases including, for example IBS, to Rheumatoid Arthritis and perhaps beyond.Your discomfort might include PMS, PMT or menopause.Whatever it might be, we can assess your individual issues and needs – including what foods you might be compatible with – by analysing our Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire that you can down-load from our website by simply contacting Kirsty (see below) by Email or phone for an access code.Following this, we make the necessary arrangements to see you or communicate via phone, fax and further information gathering “tools”. From there, we can begin to work out the correct supplements that comply with the research findings. We can also teach you good techniques to help you to modify your current level of brain sensitization using various self-help methods in the clinic and at our regularly held classes.Finally, we can help to reduce your pain lesion points of inflammation (spinal discs, joints and general soft tissue injuries) with Frequency Specific deep tissue therapy – and this works well on its own and can also work in with your current treatment from a physiotherapist or chiropractor. This is administered by a qualified, highly-trained practitioner, is painless and effective. It has been shown to actually increase the level of abovementioned neuro-hormones by 9,000 percent, increase protein synthesis in your body by 900% and also reduce the level of pain-inducing cytokines by 90%. And, as an added bonus, it increases energy production (cellular ATP) by 500%.Why wait?So, given the high rate of damage caused to your body by the long-term use of the NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as ibuprofen – so-called “conventional” therapy – why wouldn’t you try a system that has been shown clinically to reduce symptoms of pain from many different types of illnesses by up to 65%? (reference below). So, let us pave the way to help to soothe and reduce your pain the natural way using proven complementary medical techniques by simply talking to or emailing Kirsty Wade at the Lane Cove Wellness Centre today. phone Australia 61-2- 9420 4959. Or Email TechnicalFor the language buffs, the whole thing is referred to as psychoneuroimmunology and for the academics, In 2006, Jeff Bland completed one experiment per week at the Nutrigenomics lab in Washington State in the USA that is a joint, Australian-U.S.A. venture, and still publishing in leading peer-reviewed journals at the rate of 20 per year. Ref: Leading Journal-published Research Papers presented over four days by Dr Thomas O’Bryan (Am Ass Clin. Nutritionists, Int. Acad. Preventive Medicine), Prof Michael Maes (Director, Clinical Research Centre for Mental Health, Antwerp), Prof Jeff Bland and Prof Michael Fenech (CSIRO, Australia) et al, International Congress of Clinical Nutrition, 6-9th June 2009, Gold Coast, Q’ld, Australia.